Dr. Meron Lavy

Publication References

Please note that for simplicity the name Lavy-Moheban is shortened to Lavy in all references below.

For more information about his research activities view Meron Lavy (Mehran Moheban).
Lavy-Moheban, M., 'A fast time-marching method for non-equilibrium wet steam flows in turbines', PhD thesis, Cambridge University, 1984
(copy of the thesis can be obtained from the University Library or the Whittle Laboratory  - visit CUED library under the heading catalogues - M.Moheban)

Lavy, M., Young,J.B., ' A time-marching method for the calculation of blade-to-blade non-equilibrium wet stem flows in turbine cascades', Inst. Mech. Engnrs. Conf. Publ. on computational methods for turbomachinery, paper C76/84, Birmingham, England, 1984.

Lavy,M., Young,J.B., 'A study of thermal non-equilibrium effects in low-pressure we steam turbines using a blade-to-blade time-marching technique' Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1985.

Lavy,M., Young,J.B., 'Experimental results for nucleating steam flow in a two-dimensional supersonic duct and comparison with theory' Int.J.Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 1985.

Lavy, M., 'Streamline curvature throughflow computer program for flow analyses in axial turbines', NEI Parsons internal report, R and D Department, July 1985.

Lavy,M., 'Deposition of water droplets on steam turbine blades due to electro-static and other effects', NEI Parsons internal report, R and D Department.

Baines, N.C., Lavy,M., 'Modelling of flows in transonic turbines - Transonic flows in turbomachinery' encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Section 8, Gulf Publications, 1988.

Lavy,M., 'Laser-two-focus measurements on a radial flow turbine scroll', Imperial College report No. TPS 87/09, December 1987.

Baines,N.C., Lavy, M., ' Measurement technique for flow inside a radial flow turbocharger scroll and comparison between pneumatic probes and laser two-focus results' presented in the 9th symposium of measuring techniques for transonic and supersonic flows in cascades and turbomachines, Oxford, England, April 1988.

Lavy, M., ' A finite-volume time-marching program for the calculation of flows in single-entry turbocharger turbine scrolls' Imperial College report No. TPS 88/4, April 1988.

Baines,N.C., Lavy,M., 'Flows in vaned and vaneless stators of radial-inflow turbocharger turbines'  Trans. I.Mech. Eng., London, Conf. Paper C405/005, 1990

Lavy,M., Computation of flows in large radial inflow turbines, Rolls Royce Research and Development Division, Coventry, England, personal communication, 1989-

Lavy,M., Computation of flows in radial flow turbocharger scrolls and turbines, Concept ETI, Vermont, USA, personal communication, 1991.

Lavy,M., Computation of non-equilibrium wet steam flows using 2D and 3D simulation programs, computation of secondary nucleating steam flows retaining multi-droplet groups, GE corporate research and development, USA, personal communication, 1995


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